We are Unlocking 55% APY Rebase Rewards Early!
Great news! We are activating our 55% APY rebase rewards to all VUL sacrificers and Vulcan node holders early, starting on July 1st 2023 in a way to show how much we value our loyal and vullish community.
Due to the adjustment in Vulcan’s Mainnet launch roadmap, we would like to take this time to recognize the incredible patience and unwavering support of our community. With this in mind, we have made the exciting decision to enable rebases ahead of schedule. Starting from July 1st until the official Mainnet launch, we will activate Vulcan’s rebasing, ensuring that your current balances will experience continuous growth through to Mainnet.
But that’s not all! As an added bonus, we are delighted to inform you that we will also be reconnecting the Sacrifice checker feature. This means that you will have the opportunity to actively observe and witness the remarkable growth of your rebases. We believe that this will enhance engagement and provide you with a more enjoyable experience as you watch your rebases thrive. We greatly appreciate your support and look forward to sharing this rewarding journey with you.
Furthermore, we would like to highlight a positive aspect regarding the rebasing process. It is important to note that the rebasing feature will be exclusive to Sacrifice balances, encompassing Node holders, Safuu Sacrifice, Bitcoin Bonanza, and Ethereum Extravaganza participants. This targeted approach ensures that those who have actively participated in our community will reap the benefits of rebasing.
In response to the adjustment made to our Mainnet launch timeline and reactivation of rebasing, we have carefully reassessed the vesting schedule to ensure an exceptional launch experience. The revised plan entails a more gradual vesting process, allowing for a steady buildup of progress throughout a lower liquidity environment for de-risking purposes.
Safeguarding investors and providing enough runway to guarantee a successful Mainnet launch and continued unaffected execution is paramount for Vulcan’s ecosystem and furthermore, for VUL holders to be protected from possible price depreciation. A fully molded strategy to sustain the VUL coin launch price of $9 is now in effect leading to instant growth of both price and continued success of developer onboarding by way of a strengthened vesting schedule taking place over 16 months over the prior 12.
During the initial four months, a conservative 0.25% will be vested, setting a stronger and solid bedrock. Following that, month five will lift to 1.50% vested, showcasing our commitment to continuous growth. Months 6–12 will witness a significant increase of 2.50% vested in each month as the underlying core blockchain substructure will have been set.
These first 12 months are crucial to concreting a firm base for both investor protection and blockchain longevity. The final four months 13 through 16 will employ a high weighted vesting allocation of 20% in each respectively as a concrete foundation will have already been established.
At Vulcan Blockchain, our commitment to the community is unshakeable, and we prioritize your interests and satisfaction above all else. The decision to protect all investors by amending vesting, activating rebases ahead of schedule and reconnect the Sacrifice checker feature is a testament to our dedication in providing you with the best possible experience. As we embark on this rewarding journey together, we remain grateful for your support and look forward to continuing to serve you with innovative solutions and exciting opportunities. Stay tuned as we continue to move through our roadmap.